Please note!
All of the categories shown below are the major in-demand positions our clients are interested in.
Salaries depend on your experience. Please send us your CV and register. Our local agent will contact you for a possible meeting in your country of residence.
URGENTLY NEEDED published on 03.04.2023 valid until the 25.06.2023
Please contact +94704897887 Sri Lanka or +40722344325 Romania WhatsApp or email office@srilankan.ro
33 Welders with MIG MAG, PIPE FITTERS
3 Mechanical Locksmiths
3 Electricians
4 Leather shoemakers
3 Barber/hairdressers
6 Mechanics
2 Car painters
2 Auto Electricians
2 Auto body repairmen/Tinkering
3 Carpenters
6 Female massage therapists and 2 Male therapists
Welders - with Mig/Mag Certificates. Minimum 5 years experience required. Experience in ship building yards will be an advantage.
Fitters - Experiences in ship buiding yards will be an advantage.
Car Painter - Minimum 5 years of experience
Car Mechanic - Minimum 5 Years of experience
Baby Sitter - English Language with good personality
Heavy vehicle drivers - minimum 5 years experience
JCB operators - minimum 5 years experience
Furniture fitters - minimum 5 years experience
Gas and Oil industry - Workers who has experiences working in pipelines. 5 years or worked overseas
Housing construction - Need all kind of workers.
Flooring installer,
Tile setter,
Brick mason,
Aluminum Fabricator
(Available vacancies:
1. Cleaning staff for hotels
2. Packers
3. Baby sitters/ Housemaid/Housekeeping
4. Production helpers
5. Welders MIG/MAG for ship yards
6. General workers
7. Carpenters
9. Plumbers
10. Airport counter operators
11. Barista/Barmen
12. Construction workers
13. Excavator operators
14. Cook/Chef
15. All kind of Helpers (Men)
16. Electricians
17. Female helpers)
VISA - Our support
As part of our full time assistance , we can provide support for you with all the formalities for your employment in Romania (obtaining work permit, work visa, student visa or residence permit for employees) And legal assistance through our lawyers (cost extra)
14. Bucătar/Bucătar
15. Ajutoare de orice fel (bărbați/femei)
16. Electricieni
Ca parte a asistenÈ›ei noastre cu normă întreagă, vă putem oferi sprijin cu toate formalitățile pentru angajarea dumneavoastră în România (obÈ›inere permis de muncă, viză de muncă, viză de student sau permis de È™edere pentru angajaÈ›i) È™i asistență juridică prin avocaÈ›ii noÈ™tri (cost suplimentar)
Daca sunteti in cautarea unui loc de munca, va rugam sa ne contactati telefonic sau pe email:
+94704897887 Sri Lanka WhatsApp
+40722344325 România WhatsApp